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How to organize and coordinate a work team with a doctor

A TEAM has a group of very well-organized people for certain research or a determined service. In our case, we want to give the best quality in continuing medical education to our Spanish specialists. 

Okay, got it. 


How do we do that?

What do we have in mind?

What happens with the Medical Coordinator?

What are the tasks he has to fulfill? 

If you want to know a bit more of our work, keep reading. 

Isa Navarro
Isa Navarro
Reunión de equipo
Reunión de equipo

How to coordinate a work team?


Before start, it is very important to know what type of project you are going to coordinate

At CMC we provide medical education through our websites. And to be honest, those are very big projects involving a lot of people with all types of skills. 

A little tip: Try to divide the project in smaller tasks. 

Let us explain. 

On each one of these programs there are certain contents. We need a person who can select them, order them in a logical and simple way to learn and divide it in different lessons. Here is where the Medical Coordinator has a very important role, but we will discuss this later. 

Do we need a translator?

What issues are interesting for our students?

Is it going to be necessary to make a video or an interview?

Do we need some additional content to complement the main one?

It is good to define a work plan where we can assign different tasks to all the members of the team. 

Reunión de equipo utilizando el ordenador


Once we know what type of project we are facing and what are the characteristics of it, we need to define the objectives. 

In our case, some are very similar to others. It is essential to know what metrics we are going to take out from each project. That way we will be able to see if we achieved the set objectives and keep re-define them for future editions. 


You can be the master of organization. You can define your objectives perfectly. But without your team you cannot accomplish anything. 

Remember that each one of the members of your team has different skills that makes them unique. So use them! 


You may need to outsource some of the tasks. So, communication is the key to success. 

Nowadays we can use hundreds of different programs that work as digital tools to organize everything in different tasks. Also, you can assign each one of them to the different members of your team, doesn’t matter if it’s an internal or external member. 

If you have questions, ask. If you can improve something, say it. 

When you give your opinion to others, you can improve considerably any project. 

Contactamos con el médico

What is the role of a Medical Coordinator?

He is the bridge between the teachers and the students. He must make sure that the content of the program is relevant and achieves the high-quality standards of the company. 

It is one of his responsibilities to select the content and the experts who are going to participate in the different areas. Also, he must evaluate and adapt those programs to the issues that require more attention. 

As you can see, he is an essential pilar of the medical education, making sure that the health professionals have the knowledge and necessary skills to offer the best attention to their patients. 

In Continuing Medical Communication, we work with amazing medical professionals, and we know that without them our programs wouldn’t have the quality that this specific field requires. 

If you want to know more about our collaborators and how they work, you are invited to visit our website. We are here if you have any question!